Your Partner in Community Healthcare

A very proud partnership purchase!

Due to the urgency and the need for a pediatric colonoscope, we partnered with the generous Fraser Valley Healthcare Foundation. A special thank you to the Foundation, George Martens, and Reg Esau for facilitating this partnership.

A heartfelt generous donation from Ron Haan and the Haan Charitable Foundation

We are deeply grateful for the generous donation from Ron Haan and the Haan Charitable Foundation. Ron’s charity graciously donated the funds to purchase a transport ventilator through our Giving Campaign. Our goal was to purchase two of these transport ventilators, an urgent need of the Chilliwack Hospital. This $50,000 donation allowed us to purchase […]

Jake’s Construction Ltd’s generosity donation…

Thanks to the generosity of Jake’s Construction Ltd., the Chilliwack Hospital Foundation was able to facilitate the purchase of a new ultrasound machine.  The doctors and nurses at Chilliwack General Hospital are incredibly grateful for this new piece of equipment. Thank you, Jake’s Construction!

Legacy Pacific, Bosa Properties & Avison Young pledge their commitment…

Three prominent local businesses have joined forces in a remarkable show of support for the people of Chilliwack and the hospital that serves them. Bosa Properties recently finalized an acquisition from Legacy Pacific under the guidance of Avision Young. Now the three companies are collectively pledging their commitment to the wellbeing of the community by […]

TB Vets purchase two Hamilton T1 Ventilators

Thank you to the team at TB Vets for donating $60,000 to help us purchase two new Hamilton T1 Ventilators! We are so grateful for this amazing donation and can’t wait to see the impact it has for current and future patients being treated in Chilliwack.

You cannot buy good health – but you can invest in it.

Chilliwack, BC: The Chilliwack Hospital Foundation (CHF) is your partner in community healthcare. We collaborate closely with the staff of the Chilliwack General Hospital to assist the needs of the hospital that directly impact patient care, and to assist our local doctors and nurses by ensuring we have new equipment that is easy to use […]

Canex Building Supplies

Canex has been part of Chilliwack since 1983. We believe that one of the best ways to show how much we care about our community is by investing in Chilliwack’s health care. This investment will make Chilliwack a better place for our staff and customers. Bruce van den BrinkCanex Building Supplies

Main Street Church

Ten years ago, Main Street Church began its Christmas Hope Campaign. In our first year, we raised just over $7000 to provide hampers and gifts for families. Since then, it has grown every year, providing us the opportunity to give away hundreds of thousands of dollars. This year our congregation gave $182,000 towards our campaign, […]