Four Chilliwack Car Dealerships Fund Essential Life-Saving Equipment

Four Chilliwack car dealerships set a goal and sold enough cars recently to fund essential life-saving equipment at Chilliwack General Hospital, through a generous donation to the Chilliwack Hospital Foundation.
A huge THANK YOU to the Bannister Automotive Group – Chilliwack

Thank you, Bannister Automotive Group, for this generous opportunity. $100 from every vehicle sold will go directly to the Hospital Foundation to support the purchase of new equipment. What an amazing fundraising initiative for the Chilliwack Hospital.
Thank you to the Ryder Lake Women’s Institute

We are incredibly honoured to accept a donation on their behalf and thank you also for your heartfelt appreciation of the work the Foundation does. We appreciate that you see our commitment to the community and your donation will help us to create a bigger impact for our hospital and the city of Chilliwack.
Thank you to the Visscher Group of Companies

Thank you to the Visscher Group of Companies for their generous donation to the Chilliwack Hospital Foundation for the purchase of seven new laparoscopic instruments for Chilliwack General Hospital. A note from Dr. Susan McDonald, Department Head of Surgery: These instruments are used by both General Surgery and Urology for minimally invasive surgical procedures such […]
A heartfelt THANK YOU to John O’Connor for investing in a healthy community

A generous donation of $22,000 gave the Chilliwack Hospital Foundation the opportunity to purchase a much needed ECG Machine. Chilliwack General Hospital will continue to thrive and improve with generous donations like this!
You cannot buy good health – but you can invest in it.

Chilliwack, BC: The Chilliwack Hospital Foundation (CHF) is your partner in community healthcare. We collaborate closely with the staff of the Chilliwack General Hospital to assist the needs of the hospital that directly impact patient care, and to assist our local doctors and nurses by ensuring we have new equipment that is easy to use […]
Thank You Chilliwack Firefighters Charitable Society

A huge THANK YOU to the Chilliwack Firefighters Charitable Society for their generous donation of $1000 to the Chilliwack Hospital Foundation!
Thank you to the Visscher Group of Companies

On behalf of the Chilliwack Hospital Foundation, THANK YOU to Visscher Group of Companies for their generous donation of a new 4K Video Tower for Chilliwack General Hospital. This equipment is vital for performing laparoscopic surgeries.